disneyplus.com/begin 8 digit code

To get the latest and most popular TV, movies and knowledge-based content, Go to the Disneyplus.com/begin website and activate Disney+ Hotstar with the 8-digit activation code.

  • Launch the Disney+ app on your device. Make sure you are connected to the internet.
  • If prompted, sign in with your Disney+ account credentials. If you don’t have an account, you can create one by visiting the website.
  • Once you sign in, the app will display an 8-digit activation code.
  • On a web browser (on your computer or mobile device), visit disneyplus.com/begin.
  • Enter the 8-digit code exactly as it appears on your device and click “Continue.”
  • Once entered correctly, you will see a confirmation message indicating that your device has been activated.
  • Return to your device and start enjoying your favorite shows and movies on Disney+.